Antique Doll Study Group

The antique study group consists of Ottawa doll club members who have a special interest in antique dolls. We too meet once a month, in addition to the regular monthly meeting at the Nepean Museum. The antique study group meets one Sunday a month in a members home. The format is similar to regular meetings but more informal.


Here is an example of one of our meetings. Jumeau the French doll manufacturer was featured last summer. We paired this presentation with an elaborate summer tea party that we all dressed-up for too! After all, what would be a tea party be without hats, gloves and pearls?

Our members brought may lovely Jumeau examples from France between the 1850’s to 1900. A super fun time was had by all.

English scones, clotted cream, finger sandwiches, petite fours, and cheesecake rounded out our meeting. (yum)

Although we don’t go to this extreme every month, at least once (okay, maybe twice) a year we pull out all the stops and party it up.


Note: Valerie Hennigar our Antique Study Group President moved back to her native Nova Scotia leaving the rest of us antiques feeling positively orphaned!

While we’re not sure who will head up this group in the future we all wish Valerie a safe and peaceful transition to her new home; and will miss her dearly.

If the Antiques Study Group seems of interest: Please contact us if you’d like to join us.

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